Roaming along the internet, in a variety of countries here is a countdown of the top ten most expensive dog breeds our editors found.
10 – Akita: Ok so in at No.10 for the most expensive dog breeds is the Japanese Akita which can sell for between $1,500 – $4,500
9 – Bearded Collie: At No.9 in our list of the worlds most expensive dogs is bearded Collie which can be sold for between $1,000 and $5,000
8 – Pharaoh Hound: In at No.8 of the most expensive dog breed is the Pharaoh hound which can fetch between $2,500 – $6,500
7 – Tibetan Mastiff: At No.7 in our list is the Tibetan Mastiff which can usually go for around $2,200 – $7,000. Now although one of these was sold for a whopping $1.5 million it still doesn’t make it as generally the most expensive dog breed.
6 – Rottweiler: The Rottweiler makes it to number 6 in our most expensive dogs list at between $2,000 – $8,0008 – Pharaoh Hound: In at No.8 of the most expensive dog breed is the Pharaoh hound which can fetch between $2,500 – $6,500
7 – Tibetan Mastiff: At No.7 in our list is the Tibetan Mastiff which can usually go for around $2,200 – $7,000. Now although one of these was sold for a whopping $1.5 million it still doesn’t make it as generally the most expensive dog breed.

5 – Chow Chow: At No.5 of our list is the Chow-Chow a chinese breed which can fetch between $3,000 – $8,500

4 – English Bulldog: The good Ole English Bulldog or ‘British Bulldog’ as it’s know in the UK is at no.4 of our most expensive dogs breeds at between $2,500 – $9,000.. And now wait for it, the top 3 most expensive dog breeds… drumroll please….!!!

3 – Samoyed: The Samoyed which originates from Siberia is our No.3 selection which can be bought for between $4,000 – $11,000
2 – Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: And 2nd in our ‘Top Dog’ list is the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel from England which can sell for a princely sum of between $1,000 – $14,000.

German Shepherd (Alsation):
In at No.1 as the most expensive dog breed in the world has to be the very versatile Alsation which can fetch anything between $3,000 – $24,000..
So there it is. An exciting list of dog breeds, and unfortunately some very popular dogs did not make it to the top ten.
What happened to the Golden Retriever, Komondor, Malteser Terrier, Bichon Frise, Norfolk Terrier, Staffordshire Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier and the Australian Shepherd? All popular dogs but they did not make it into the top ten of most expensive dogs 2011. Worlds Most Expensive Dog Breed
The winner is the German Shepherd, a trustworthy dog which has proven it’s capacity to be trained beyond the scope of many other dogs. The German Shepherd can be trained as a rescue dog, drug sniffer and as guidance dog for the visual impaired. Not a wonder that he/she claims the top of the list of the most expensive dogs in the world. A dog training institute in Germany sells their German Shepherds for a cool $24,000, they claim to train the best rescue dogs in the world.
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